Upcoming Events and Workshops
We will continue to update our on farm workshops, events and celebrations. Please check back to find new offerings, or sign up for our newsletter to get updates as they happen. You can also follow us on Facebook or Instagram.
Drop In Farm Visit
January 20th, 10am - 2pm
Come visit us on the farm for a bonfire, seasonal activities, snacks and crafts. Feel free to bring the whole family or simply drop off the kids for a few hours. We will be outside the whole time so dress warmly and we will see you there. Donations will be will welcomed.
Nurtured by Nature Conference
March 8th, 2025
Cedartown, Ga 10am-4pm
We will be hosting our first annual Nurtured by Nature conference. This is a conference for Educators, Therapists, Caregivers, and nature enthusiasts. Session topics will cover:
Co-Regulation with Nature
Teaching Through Nature
Connecting Nature and Curriculum
Yoga and Mindfulness
Cost is $100 and will include lunch.
For more information please check out our conference page.
To register follow the link below.