Our Work
We believe that nature plays a huge role in an individual’s health, and by extension a community’s health. This health includes mental, physical and spiritual health and happiness. Our goal is to help people find this healthy, whole, and connected experience by spending more time in nature, learning from the environment around us. Our aim is to foster this connection at an early age, working with children. Studies continue to show how important it is for kids to be outside. Time outside helps develop physical and cognitive skills that are vital to our continued growth and learning as we get older. The natural world is our biggest source of inspiration, where our imagination goes wild, and where we are tested and learn to problem solve. The work we do helps schools and children get outside while continuing their education. Learning does not end at a certain age though, which is why we also offer our on farm workshops and community events. It is never too late to find inspiration, to learn new things, to connect to the world around us. Below is a list of some of the things we offer for schools, families, and communities.
Our Services
For Schools
Connecting to classroom curriculum using things found right outside (math, science, literacy, etc)
Storytelling and reading
Tea making and mindfulness
Outdoor exploration with guided activities
Teacher Trainings
Designing outdoor classrooms and garden spaces
On the Farm
Seasonal Celebrations, Plantings and Harvesting Events
Gardening Classes
Wild harvesting and crafting
Medicine making
Food Preserving
In the Community
Organizing community events
Creating garden spaces
Hosting workshops fascilitated by community members
Supporting traditional cultural celebrations
Our Mission
Kindred Nature Foundation was established as a 501c3 non-profit to provide nature-based education and learning opportunities for children, families, and communities. These experiences help develop and strengthen connections to the natural world which are important for social, emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. We believe in equitable access to nature-based education and use our funding to provide these opportunities to communities with limited resources.